The above process achieves the same as deleting the "clientregistry.blob" file, but is much quicker as the Steam client itself does not need to update. Odly enough, I get the quickest download speeds from the Italy servers - even though Ireland now has its own content servers (which took a lot of effort to get Valve to set up, but they did so which is the main thing!) As all of the Steam content servers are numbered, you can also check which server you are download from here. Keep trying this process until the Steam download max's your Internet connection download speed. This will force Steam to re-look for a server, and it should pick the best one that will give you the quickest download speed.

Right click on the Steam TCP connection and choose "close connection". Look for Steam connections of type TCP (not UDP) in the list As a result, you have to do a little bit of tweaking to find the best server to download from. There is no way within Steam to select what content server you wish to download from. There is an issue whereby this does not always work out too well and a far away content server is selected to download from, or else the game you are attempting to download on is not being hosted on the content server Steam normally connects you to and as a result your Steam client will connect to one of the "main" content servers, which may be far away from where you are. changed it to the middle of nowhere (ahem indonesia) thinking it will be faster, was getting 86bytes. and tell me which download region your in Mine was in the netherlands and i was getting a download rate of about 1.3mbs.

Steam uses a algorithm whereby Steam attempts to search for the closest and fastest content server for you, the client, to download from. once your on steam, click steam, settings, download and cloud. Hey guys, I thought I would post this little handy trick for anyone getting slow download speeds on Steam.